Core drill → Custom made tool for dendrochronological purpose with special coating for enhanced boring-ejection. Field of application: dry deciduous and coniferous wood.
Core drill, Berlin-type → The Berlin-type borer for dendrochronological purpose enhances sampling-capabilities in case of special needs. In addition of our own products, we included the …
Borerhandling → The core drill (for technical data see under dendro drill >) is the result of a long series of tests and has been specially developed by us for use in …
Methods of sampling → To be able to get the samples needed for dendrochronological dating, laboratories and building researchers use custom made borers especially developed for this …
Sampling-protokoll → The following schedule is made for a standardized capture, documentation and storage of sample-data. It is another, easy way of data transmission.
Sample-shipping → The following suggestions will help you to keep the expenses for the documentation and shipping of samples as small as possible. Nevertheless, we strongly …
Preservation of sapwood → A frequent problem, especially with coniferous timbers, is that sapwood is in such a bad condition that it is almost impossible to get a fully intact sample.